WeAreTheEkklesia.com is an online ministry

WeAreTheEkklesia.com is an online ministry that is focused on evangelizing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost & dying world with the love of God.

WeAreTheEkklesia.com IS NOT affiliated with an institutionalized church (Denominational or Non-Denominational). WeAreTheEkklesia.com IS NOT a 501.c3 church \ organization \ corporation. WeAreTheEkklesia.com does not promote institutionalized churches. Our focus is on the Kingdom of God and how Jesus Christ came to proclaim God’s Kingdom and preached about the need to repent and believe on Jesus Christ to be saved, so that we can enter into the Kingdom of God. We are independent, Bible believing, born again, followers of Jesus Christ (Disciples).

We understand and believe that the Ekklesia is the body of believers who are called out from the world to follow and serve Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior. The body of Christ is made up of all those who believe the message of Salvation by grace and not good works. We believe that we are redeemed by the precocious blood of Jesus Christ by faith alone. We believe in the need to be born again of God’s Holy Spirit. We believe that the institutionalization of the christian faith and the gathering of the body of Christ (The Ekklesia) was not God’s intention or His plan for His children. We do understand that the institutionalized church is the present standard and that the majority of Christians today look down on anyone who does not assimilate to the traditions of men and practice church membership. We are just followers (Disciples) of the King of kings and Lord of lords.

We clearly preach the gospel with an emphasis on the core fundamentals of the gospel message which are:

  1. Acknowledge that we are all born into sin and are sinners that are in need of salvation.
  2. Accept that there is no other way we can be saved from our sin. Believing the Gospel and receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior for the atonement and remission of sin.
  3. Repent for our sin and choose to turn from our sinful ways and desire to live a life that is pleasing and acceptable to God.
  4. Believe in our hearts that Jesus died for us to pay the full and final cost for sin.
  5. Confess with our mouths that Jesus died for us and that He is our Lord and Savior.
  6. Be baptized in water to proclaim our decision to follow Jesus Christ to the world and seek and desire the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
  7. Commit to the discipleship process and find an Assembly or Congregation that disciples believers and prepares them for a successful walk with Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

We do believe that all believers are called to Discipleship and eventual spiritual maturity of Eldership. We are a royal priesthood of all believers with Jesus Christ as our only High Priest, who serve God and our brothers and sisters in Christ.

We understand that this is counter to the typical Christian Church Doctrine, but we stand firm on these beliefs because we know that they are biblical. We do not want to limit God by restricting the ministry gifts to specific individuals (Clergy) as the institutionalized churches teach. Instead, we desire to allow God to use each and every believer of the body of Christ for the work of the ministry as God desires. We fully understand that we will be labeled by the institutionalized churches as heretical and in error. But we will not conform to the traditions of men. We will continue to believe and preach biblical truths even when we are persecuted and reviled for this.