It blows my mind to see how many churches teach that their church is the only church or the right church and that anyone who does not attend their church is not saved. What is even more amazing is that Jesus and the Apostles warned us of this in the the scriptures and people fail to heed the warnings because they are not able to read the scriptures themselves and understand that the “Church concept” did not come from God. It was man who instituted the Church\Temple based faith that we see so prevalent today. Jesus told us that “The Kingdom of God” is at hand. He stated that He would build His assembly (Ekklesia). Some how the word Ekklesia got translated to Church and the whole meaning was changed to something that causes confusion, division, separation, jealousy, envy, hatred and manipulation till this very day. God is not into building nations or religions at all. God established His Kingdom on earth through His Son Jesus Christ and His desire is for everyone to enter His Kingdom through Jesus. No religion or church is required for this entrance into the Kingdom of God.